Friday 19 September 2014

Football TIme

 Hi my name is Ashraf and I would like to share about social networking problems.
    Social networking becoming a trend in this new global era. Most of the human being own their own social network. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp and WeChat are among the famous social networking application that have been used by worldwide. Commonly, social networking has been used on many reasons. There are pros and contrast about the uses of those social network. Social networking can be heaven, a place where the knowledge being shared and can also be hell when defamation are spread. People nowadays thought the social networking is a medium to connecting people but actually that depends on the mankind themselves on how they benefit the social network. The major issue now about social networking is it causing many problems rather than giving benefit to people.

    Firstly, the major chaos that occurs among the users of social network is the spreading of defamation. Spreading a defamation is a true crime. This is because defamation can drop someone's name thus loss their dignity for being accused doing bad thing that actually not.

    Next, identity fraud is also a problem that happening numerously in the social network. There are certain people who like to use fake information of themselves and use fake photo in order to make money fraud and for sexual purpose. This social problem may lead to crime such as robbery, rape, assassinate and others.

    Lastly, social networking cause people to be addicted to internet and prefer to be a loner rather than mixing up with the community. This attitude is not good as it will not help to foster the harmony in the social community.

Hellooooooooooooooo and hi...

    My name is faisal.... I would like to share about my experience training football with my mates from the same department ahead of the 'Piala Dekan' tournament *wohooooooooo that will be held on the 25th of August 2014.

    Football is my passion. I would love to be a representative for UPM Bintulu football squad one day. hmmm..... Back to the main topic. I have trained with my teammates for several days and I felt it took a long time for me and for the rest of the team to build chemistry among us.

     The first day of my training it was like 'what the hell? who are all these people?' exactly it's a hard moment. Our coach had done an ice breaking session and honestly for me it was a little bit harsh too know and remember all of my teammates on a single day but after several days I managed to did what I need to did.

    Day passed by. The training went well day to day. The most important part which was hard to do is increase our stamina. Everyday we sweat a lot in order to gain a lot of stamina and for that purpose the coach had provide a special training which I think I can die if I follow the training special but thanks God until now I still alive.

    I can rate our chemistry up to 7 out of 10 due to our fantastic performance every evening.... Nahh just kidding. But the team work rate are much more better days by days. Well, although the training were done with fun but I still feel the pressure as I am the first eleven and I am the engine of the team due to my roll as a central midfielder.

    It is my job to maintain the beauty of the game on the pitch and make sure the team are alive from beginning to the end. I hope my team can achieve the silverware and for sure...... I want to break the opponents leg. I hope they will not break my leg first.

    I think that's it. goodbyeeeeee. farewell human!!

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