Friday 19 September 2014

Wow.....Slow Lorises

Hello and hi my name is ashraf i want to share you about slow lorises.

Slow Lorises facts and info:
- Slow Lorises are primates/mammals originating from Southeast Asia.
- The Slow Loris possesses a toxic (strong venomous) bite. It is a very rare trait for a mammal indeed. The venom servers as a defence against enemy animals but also the Slow Loris mothers lick the fur of their babies to protect them (by spreading the venom).
- The adult Slow Loris weight is between 2 – 3 pounds.

- Slow Lorises have a range of habitats over a vast area of southern and south-eastern Asia.
- They are endangered due because of their habitat loss and also hunting for illegal pet and traditional medicine trades.
- Slow Lorises diet consist of mainly fruits but also insects, little reptiles, birds and bird eggs.

- In some parts of Asia the Slow Loris is well respected animal – and it is believed it can cure more than 50 diseases.
- Slow Lorises could also eat tree leaves or tree gum.
- The Slow Lorises can be found in a number of locations in Asia, including: China, Indian subcontinent, etc...

- Slow Lorises have very special pincer-like hands and feet and are perfectly adapted to live on the trees and above the ground.
- The Slow Lorises could live up to 20 years in captivity.
- Slow Loris has large eyes and is adapt at seeing in the dark providing the ability to hunt for small animals during night.

- Currently, there are five to eight species of Slow Loris recognised. The prime species are Greater Slow Loris, Pygmy Slow Loris, Javan, Benga and Bornean.
- All the Slow Loris species are listed as Endangered or Vulnerable.
- Little is known about Slow Lorises social structure. It is known though that they communicate to each other by scent marking.

- The name 'Loris' is Dutch in nature and means 'clown', which probably comes from the facial features that help to define the species.
- One of the biggest challenges for the Slow Loris is reproduction. Slow Lorises reproduce slowly, and the infants are initially put over branches or carried by either parent. 
- The slow Loris is omnivores, eating small animals, insects, fruit, vegetables, tree gum, and other vegetation.

- The sexual maturity of the Slow Loris comes after 18 months and they can start mating.
- Slow Lorises are nocturnal animals and they use scent marking to communicate with each other either for mating or threatening other animals.
- The illegal trading is really huge problem for Slow Lorises. Together with the habitat loss those are the primary reasons for declining Slow Lorises population

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